Ayurveda and Homeopathy

Medicine has been around in some form or another for centuries. A doctor has always been important for the well-being and growth of mankind. With the development of this noble profession, we now have innumerable specializations after MBBS and BDS courses. In this process of learning and moving forward with science, we haven’t left traditional medicine behind. Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and Homeopathy are alternative medicine systems that have stood the test of time. Our governments have given these alternative medical systems platforms alongside allopathy by including diploma, bachelor, and master’s degrees in these fields. 

Ayurveda and homeopathic systems are a very large market in Asia and around the world. The opportunities in education and practice are growing every day. The practitioners of these alternative medicine systems are positive about the growth and success in these fields. 

Let’s take a closer look at Ayurveda and homeopathy as alternative systems of medicine, the courses offered certifications and job opportunities.

Ayurveda – Ancient Practice

Ayurveda is an ancient practice of alternative medicine that has its roots in India. The people of the Indian subcontinent have always incorporated Ayurveda in their lives. Herbal medicines, meditation, yoga, special diets, massages, etc are all part of the Ayurvedic culture. 

Early years

The origins of Ayurveda can be traced back to prehistoric times. However, it is during the Vedic period that the Ayurveda practices gained momentum. The words Ayurveda in Sanskrit mean the knowledge of life and longevity.  The earliest recorded document on Ayurveda is the Charak Samhita which is descended from the Atreya. Another recorded document is the  Sushruta Samhita that was propagated and descended from the Dhanvantari. The Sushrut Samhita deals with surgical procedures whereas the Charak Samhita has the knowledge of internal medicine. 


The Ayurvedic practice addresses both physical and mental aspects of health. According to Ayurveda, our body is composed of tissues (dhatus), waste (malas), and biomaterials (doshas). 

The 7 dhatus are  plasma (rasa), blood (rakta), muscles (māmsa), fat (meda), bone (asthi), marrow (majja), and semen (shukra)

There are 3 doshas of the body, also known as the tridosha. They are vata (air, with respect to the nervous system), pitta (fire, equated with enzymes), and kapha (earth and water, equated with mucus)

There is also a parallel set of mental doshas in Ayurveda, they are termed as satogun, rajogun, and tamogun. These mental doshas can give out more details about a person’s personality (prakriti).

In Ayurveda, the bodily substances are divided into 5 classical elements called the panchamahabhuta. They are earth, water, fire, air, and ether.

Further, there exist 20 gunas that are the characteristics or qualities of a person’s prakriti, they are placed in pairs and are as follows: heavy/light, cold/hot, unctuous/dry, dull/sharp, stable/mobile, soft/hard, non-slimy/slimy, smooth/coarse, minute/gross, and viscous/liquid.

There are 8 ways to diagnose illness in Ayurveda, Nadi (pulse), Mootra (urine), Mala (stool), Jihva (tongue), Shabda (speech), Sparsha (touch), Druk (vision), and Aakruti (appearance). 

The imbalance of doshas is considered a root cause for disease by Ayurvedic practitioners. 

Homeopathy – How the practice originated

Homeopathy is an alternative system of medicine invented by Physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. The practitioners of Homeopathy are known as homeopaths. Homeopathy has its origins in Germany, Europe. Today Homeopathic clinics are present all over the world with about 200 million users worldwide. 

Early stages

The origins of Homeopathy can be traced back to the time when Doctor and Physician Samuel Hahnemann was translating a medical treatise by the Scottish physician and chemist William Cullen into German language. Cullen’s theory stated that Cinchona bark cured malaria because of its bitterness. Dr. Hahnemann was skeptical of this theory and ingested the cinchona bark to see its effect on a healthy person. He experienced symptoms similar to malaria: fever, shivering, and joint pain. From this Hahnemann derived that active drug components produce similar symptoms in healthy individuals as compared to those of the diseases they treat. This gives rise to the concept of like cures like.


Homeopathy is an alternative system of medicine that claims to have cured the illness of millions of individuals across the globe. This alternative system of medicine has 7 main principles. Let’s understand these principles in detail

  1. Law of Similia 

This principle is known as similia similibus curentur or the law of similars. This law was known even during the time of Hippocrates and Paracelsus. It was rediscovered by Dr. Hahnemann and claimed that the principle of homeopathy completely depended on this law of Similia. The word ‘homoios’ means ‘like’ or ‘similar’ and ‘pathos’ means ‘suffering’ thus Homoeopathy is the ‘Medicine of likes’. It is a method of curing the sufferings in a diseased individual by the administration of remedies that have the capacity to produce similar sufferings in a relatively healthy individual.

  1. Law of Simplex  

The law of Simplex states that only one, single, simple remedy should be administered to the patient at one time. This law explains that at any given time, only one remedy can be exactly similar to the presenting disease condition of the patient. Administration of more than one remedy can produce a certain group of symptoms, which can be harmful to the patient.

  1. Law of Minimum  

The Law of Minimum states that the effect of the medicine does not depend only on the selection of a similar remedy but also on the quantity of the medicine. Homeopathic medicines are required only in a minute quantity because of their potent nature. 

  1. The Doctrine of Drug Proving  

Drug proving is a systemic investigation and evaluation of the disease-producing power of a substance on healthy human beings. In this system, a drug is administered to a group of healthy people until symptoms of an illness appear. These symptoms are studied, evaluated, and classified. The end result is compiled in a systematic order and the ‘Materia Medica’ of the proved drug. This drug is now prescribed when similar symptoms are presented.

  1. Theory of Chronic Diseases  

After years of study, Dr. Hahnemann realized that certain diseases are chronic in nature and cannot be cured. Many diseases showed relapse even after treatment. This led to the actualization that The Law of Similars might not be universally applicable and that the reason for this was Miasms. Miasm is an obnoxious disease-producing agent, dynamic in nature and inimical to life. He founded the theory of miasms and named the miasms Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis which are responsible for chronic diseases.

  1. The theory of vital force

This theory states that the Vital force is the invisible vital energy that gives life to each organism. An irregularity or disharmony of the viral force leads to disease. 

  1. The doctrine of Drug Dynamization

This theory states that drugs on dilution become potent and show better results in patients. Hahnemann believed that it was not the quantity of the drug but the systemic method of dilution that led to a cure in patients.

That concludes the principles of homeopathy that are widely in practice until this date. 

Let’s take a look at some Career opportunities. Alternative medicine is a booming field and career opportunities are plenty for those interested in advancing their career. ICU courses post-BHMS can help you get further in your career. Here are some interesting career opportunities that you might be interested in post your BHMS. 

Career and Courses – Homeopathy and Aayurveda

ICU (Intensive Care Unit) requires specialized and trained medical personnel to manage sophisticated equipment and take care of critically ill patients. It is a tough task for doctors to work in their field of specialization and extend their support for the care of ICU patients. Thus there is a growing demand for these professionals who can support the ICU running smoothly. Postgraduate courses that promote learning for BHMS doctors are a good way to go about your career. 

In these courses you will learn:

  1. Functioning of the ICU
  2. Various skills required for resuscitation
  3. Initial care and management of acutely ill patients
  4. Investigations ordered in the ICU and how to interpret them.
  5. Practical knowledge about the usage of fluids, blood products, and drugs in the ICU
  6. Managing common problems seen in the ICU, such as acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities

Some courses are listed below

  • Basic Life Support (BLS)
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
  • BASIC – Two-day comprehensive program addressing essential aspects of Critical Care. Upon successful completion, candidates receive certification from the Chinese University of Hongkong
  • Fundamentals of Mechanical Ventilation (FMV)
  • Essentials of Nutrition Support (ENS)
  • Trauma Evaluation and Management (TEAM)
  • Effective Practices in Infection Control (EPIC)
  • Crisis Management & Soft skill training programs


The eligibility for these courses is as follows:

  1. Physicians (MBBS, AYUSH), 
  2. Final year medical graduates, and 
  3. Interns (MBBS and AYUSH)


Certificate in Critical Care Medicine – Edition II (CPD): cost is 45,000 INR. The duration of the course is 3 months.


The course can help you in the following ways:  

  • Keep your knowledge and skills updated.
  • Live up to your professional standard of qualifications and registrations.
  • Find a professional sense of direction
  • Build confidence and credibility.
  • Build recognized qualifications and achievements.
  • Learn to cope with the changing health trends.
  • Promote advancement in career. 
  • Learn to be flexible and grasp the knowledge quickly.


On completion of the course, viva, project submissions, document submission the candidate will be rewarded with an e-certificate for the completed course. 

Tighten your boots and step up, the opportunity to advance in your career is here. Find out more about these courses if you are eligible and take the chance to learn and progress in the field of healthcare. 


  1. Ayurveda | National Health Portal Of India at https://www.nhp.gov.in/ayurveda_mty 
  2. Homeopathy | NCCIH at https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/homeopathy
  3. Courses For Doctors | Medvarsity at https://www.medvarsity.com/doctors/ 
  4. TACT Academy for Clinical Training at https://tact-india.com/ 


When was Ayurveda originated?

The earliest recorded document on Ayurveda is the Charak Samhita which is descended from the Atreya.

What are the principles of Ayurveda?

The Ayurvedic practice addresses both physical and mental aspects of health. According to Ayurveda, our body is composed of tissues (dhatus), waste (malas), and biomaterials (doshas).

When was Homeopathy originated?

The origins of Homeopathy can be traced back to the time when Doctor and Physician Samuel Hahnemann was translating a medical treatise by the Scottish physician and chemist William Cullen into German language.

What are the principles of Homeopathy?

7 major principles of Ayurveda are:
1. Law of Similia
2. Law of simplex
3. Law of minimum
4. The Doctrine of drug proving
5. Theory of chronic diseases
6. Theory of Vital force
7. The doctrine of Drug Dynamization