Psychology Facts That Will Surprise You!

Human psychology is interesting and powerful, but understanding it does is a long and difficult process. Every human brain is unique with its thoughts and emotions, yet somehow we tend to share some responses with our fellow beings. We have our conscious and subconscious mind working individually as well as together to make us what we are. Psychology is what shapes us every minute of every day, because we make decisions based on the amalgamation of our emotions and thoughts. So let’s read some interesting facts about human psychology that will definitely get the wheels in your brain turning in excitement!

  1. Your favorite song is probably such because an emotional incident of your life is associated with it. That’s probably why break up songs hurt so bad…
  2. Studies have shown that the more emotional you are during an incident, the lesser accurately you remember it later on. We keep on reliving the emotions rather the details of the incident, thus altering the memory.
  3. Having a negative thought? No worries. Banish it by thinking about five positive thoughts insteaad. That’s the power of optimism!
  4. Has someone ever introduced themselves to you and the second they’re gone, you’ve forgotten their name already? That’s because at any given point of time, we humans can remember very little new things. Our brains need to refresh new data to make it long term.
  5. Researchers think Internet addiction should be added to the list of mental disorders. Considering how much time we’re spending on our phones during this lockdown, they might just have to…
  6. We want more choices in everything, but the truth is, we make better choices with fewer options. The brain functions better when the stress is less.
  7. Have you ever spent an entire day cooking a meal that everyone enjoys, but for some unknown reason, you don’t? A study showed that making a meal requires you to be around it so long that it already becomes less appealing by the time you actually get around to eating it.
  8. Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any psychological disorder, killing 5-20% of its victims.
  9. It takes 66 days of repeatedly doing the same activity to make it a habit.
  10. Language can affect your decisions! Thinking in a language other than your native tongue makes your decision seem more rational. Try it next time!
  11. Dreams are very important. Even more important than your conscious thoughts. Almost 70% of your dreams contain secret messages. You just have to pay attention.
  12. Our brain has 3 main evolutionary thoughts – food, sex and safety. We will choose in favour of these these over everything else. This is why advertisements focus mainly on these 3 elements to convince us to buy their products.
  13. An intelligent person will underestimate themself a lot more than an average person, while an average person will overestimate themself a lot more.
  14. Level of eye contact help you understand what the other person is feeling. If they make 100% eye contact during a conversation, then they are probably threatening or intimidating you. 80% of the conversation indicates attraction. If it’s for 60% of the conversation, then you’re boring them.
  15. Your “gut feeling” is real. It is possible to feel certain about something without any certainity. And even be right some times.

So the next time you waddle through your day, keep these facts in mind to make better decisions!


1. Psychology Facts – 90 Facts about Psychology. Available from: Accessed on 23 June 2020.

2. 26 Fascinating Facts About Human Psychology. Available from: Accessed on 23 June 2020.

3. Psychology Facts. Available from: Accessed on 23 June 2020.

4. 35+ Mind Bending Psychology Facts About Human Behavior. Available from: Accessed on 23 June 2020.