Double Trouble: Surprising Facts about Twins

Twins are such an exciting phenomenon of nature. If you are a twin or know someone who’s a twin, you’ve probably noticed that they are a bit atypical when it comes to other siblings. Here are some surprising facts about twins that might make you double back!

Linked since birth

Twins can start interacting with each other within 14 weeks of gestation. They respond to each other in their own special ways and are aware of each other’s presence even in such an early stage of pregnancy.

Twins have their own language

Nearly 40% of twins develop their own language that is rarely understood by others. This peculiar language is called cryptophasia or idioglossia. The next time you hear a set of twins talking gibberish, you’ll know what that is!

Their hands tell a different story

In spite of the close genetic similarities, identical twins have a different set of fingerprints. This means that twins can probably fool the cameras, but not the forensics! 

Twins may have different birthdays

Most twins grow up sharing their stuff and having a lot of common interests. Even their birthdays. However, it is possible that twins can have different birthdays! This is because one twin may have a longer gestation period than the other.

Colourful lives of a twin

It is believed that identical twins look exactly the same. However, this is not true! There are many markers in their appearance to distinguish them, one of which is skin colour. Twins may have different skin tones. Studies are being done to see if skin tone could be used as a new personal identification method.

Similar genes, different fates

Despite being so close genetically, diseases can impact twins differently. Something called epigenetics comes into the picture which makes twins differently susceptible to diseases. 

Twins have a special bond that others can barely comprehend. They are so similar, yet so different.


1. Social before Birth: Twins First Interact with Each Other as Fetuses Available at Accessed on 24 June 2021.
2. Bakker P. Autonomous languages of twins. Acta Genet Med Gemellol (Roma). 1987;36(2):233-8.
3. Vanderkolk JR. Forensics: Identical twins don’t share fingerprints. Nature. 2013 Jul 4;499(7456):29.
4. Rayburn WF, Lavin JP Jr, Miodovnik M, Varner MW. Multiple gestations: time interval between delivery of the first and second twins. Obstet Gynecol. 1984 Apr;63(4):502-6.
5. Musa OA, Abdel Rahman JE, Magzoub AA, Abdel Mageed MT. Skin color. Could it be a new fingerprint? Saudi Med J. 2011 Aug;32(8):825-9.
6. Fun facts about twins Available at Accessed on 24 June 2021